Ce·a·rá Pronunciation: "sA-&-'rä
state NE Brazil bordering on the Atlantic capital Fortaleza area 57,147 square miles (148,011 square kilometers).
Rio Gran·de do Nor·te Pronunciation: 'rE-(")ü-'gr[a']n-dE-dü-'nor-tE
state NE Brazil capital Natal . Pipa, is 60km south of Natal. Drive south with a buggy as far as the border with Paraíba.
Ba·hia Pronunciation: b&-'hE-&, bä-'E-& ; state E Brazil capital Salvador area 216,612 square miles (561,025 square kilometers). Morro de São Paulo is 2h from Salvador, by boat.
Ala·goas Pronunciation: "[a']-l&-'gO-&s
state NE Brazil capital Maceió area 11,238 square miles (29,184 square kilometers), population 2,512,515 (Maceió: Regionalismo: Nordeste do Brasil. lagoeiro que se forma no litoral em virtude das marés e das águas pluviais; maçaió)
Per·nam·bu·co Pronunciation: "p&r-n&m-'bü-(")kO, -'byü-; "per-n&m-'bü-(")kü "state NE Brazil capital Recife, first permanent European settlement wasOlinda (1537). Drive 1h south to Porto de Galinhas.
Ilha Grande is in between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, very close to Angra dos Reis and not far from Paraty. see also http://www.ilhagrande.com.br
Cross the Guanabara Bay in Rio and you can visit the MAC in Niteroi, 2002.
York (local /ˈjɔːk/) is a walled city, situated at the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire, England. CALPHAD 2001 and APDIC 2001 were held in this wonderful city.
Swe·den Pronunciation: 'swE-d&n : country N Europe on Scandinavian peninsula W of Baltic Sea; a kingdom capitalStockholm. Home of CALPHAD 2002.
It·a·ly Pronunciation: 'i-t&l-E
country comprising the peninsula of Italy,Sicily, Sardinia, & numerous other islands; a republic since 1946, formerly a kingdom TOFA 2002.
Po·land \ˈpō-lənd\ country E cen Europe bordering on Baltic Sea; in medieval period a kingdom, at one time extending to the lower Dnieper; in Krakow, CALPHAD 2004 and APDIC 2004 (some calphad photos too!)
Ringberg Castle, in Bavaria, hosted a series of very important meetings on the CALPHAD technique. The last was in 2005. In 2013 there was an important meeting dedicated to the Unaries Description (RUW)
Chi·na, People's Republic of Pronunciation:\ˈchī -nə\ Country E Asia; a republic Beijing area 3,691,502 square miles (9,597,905 square kilometers), population 1,242,612,226. Xian,Shanghai are important cities. CALPHAD 1998 and TOFA 2006 were held in Beijing.
USA CALPHAD 2007 and APDIC Meeting 2007 were held in State College, PA.
Prague hosted APDIC 2009 and CALPHAD 2009 APDIC held its 2010 WRRS in Montpelier. CALPHAD 2010 and APDIC 2010 were in Jeju Island, Korea.
Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet at the region of Foz do Iguaçú, in Brazilian state of Paraná. Rio de Janeiro hosted XL CALPHAD in May 2011. APDIC 2011 was also in held in Rio de Janeiro
Berkley Hosted APDIC 2012 and CALPHAD 2012; San Sebastian hosted 2013 CALPHAD and APDIC 2013 Some meetings with Larry Kaufman
Last updated 16/04/2017